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Old 01-08-2010, 08:55 AM   #12
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Warning: Not suitable for persons younger than 15. Persons younger than 15 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The content is strong in impact. The content is heavy on dismembered fish parts.

Inspired by Yani, I figured I'd share an old Mediterranean fish cooking wisdom. It is mastered and heavily practiced by Jasmin, our WCW08 champion. He definitely has plenty of seafood chef talents. He finally convinced me that this an awesome use of your catch. Jasmin is not big on this internet posting thingy, and I hope he won't be too mad at me for enlightening the masses. We are both in Yani's club - love every second on the water experience, celebrate it later (many times) with family and friends around the table.

Try keeping your next big fish carcass and head and cooking it up, making a fish stock.

Throw away the gills, guts. Give the parts a nice wash.
Cut out the fins and throw away.
Add a dash of olive oil in the pot, hit up with some sliced onion and simmer till golden.
Add some veggies - carrots and celery will do.
Chop up the carcass in manageable pieces that will fit your biggest pot.
Preferably split the head in two.
Eyes will likely "leak" out - not for the faint of heart.
Load up the fish parts.

Add plenty of water.
Parsley has got to be there. Don't chop it, just generously throw a 1/2 bundle in.
Cover and cook over a low heat for 45mins-1 hr.
Run it through the mesh size strainer, to get rid of scales, bones, what not.
Carefully pick the meat off.

Cheeks are the killer, so is the rest of the meat from the head.
Careful with the bones; the meat off the bones you can eat boiled right there,
use it later in a salad,
or spice up whichever way you like.
You'll be surprised how tasty it is.
Pour the fish stock into water bottles; don't fill up all the way.
Freeze and use later to greatly enhance the flavor
of any cooked seafood dish (soup, stew, chowder, pasta sauce, cioppino, you name it).

For a great fish soup, just add some rice or noodles...
Nothing wrong with a WSB fish soup:

Heads up: do add some water, as this fish stock by itself stuff comes out pretty strong in flavor.
This is how it looks like after it's been stored in the fridge over night... from the fridge, not frozen!

<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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