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Old 01-13-2010, 08:10 AM   #1
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Posts: 89
Baitcaster Question.

I'm right-handed and grew up using spinning reels with a left-hand retrieve. I also own a few baitcasters which are right-hand retrieve, which is a bit weird for me because I cast with my right and then have to switch hands to also retrieve with my right and to be honest it just feels weird and I also feel like I miss hook sets because of my delayed left-arm reaction to the bite.

My question is...
Why is the market so saturated with right-hand retrieve baitcasters? Am I missing something that makes using your right hand to retrieve better than left?

I'm about to purchase new gear and while I know it's primarily up to me in what feels comfortable I just want to know if you have any insight that I may be missing.

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