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Old 03-04-2010, 10:05 PM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 26
Thanks for all of the tips guys.

I was partially drawn to a sit in kayak because I would like to stay dry and warm while I fish. Not that its an issue for me to get wet, but then I have to either wear a wetsuit or bathing suit, which is kind of a hassle. With a sit in, I just hop in with my jeans and go fish! Makes it easier for me since I often have a variety of things to do in a day and can't fish all day.... even though I would love to! Also, I will be moving to Nor Cal in a year or so for school and its much colder up there and my San Diego raised rear will freeze up there as it is!

Iceman, I would love to swing by and demo it. Do I have to make an appointment or anything? I'll drop by the Fred Hall booth too and maybe make my purchase. Also, Iceman since you have actually been in the kayak, how easy is it for one person to move? I'm guessing VERY from its size and weight, but just wanted to get it confirmed. I have some hidden places I would like to take it.

Kareem, interesting point about your sit on top not allowed. I always wondered for lakes that have a no body/water contact policy if you could use a sit on top at those lakes. Luckily with a sit in, I wouldn't have to worry about that!

Thanks again guys!
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