Thread: Wind Warning!
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Old 03-06-2010, 09:07 AM   #18
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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Paddle from La Jolla?

Originally Posted by tptrench View Post
Killer fish! Did you actually paddle to Los Coronados? and then get a ride back in. That's awesome if you did. I can't imagine paddling that far.
Also, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all your stuff. If you aren't already, you could write professionally. Thanks for all the tips! TP

Thanks for the props!

As far as paddling to Los Coronados, especially from La Jolla?... no way Jose! Not me. I've done 45 mile round trips, in a day on the Hobie using the Mirage Drive, a few times. That was searching for the fast moving Tuna on our local banks (the 9 and 182). I've seen everything from jumpers, to a boat right next to me hook a quad on the troll, to a skiff race around me, just as I was a few hundred yards off a kelp that was holding...just to watch them hook my prize right in front of me. My story of heartbreak in that arena is tough to even talk about. It almost brings a tear to my eye.

The Coronados would be quite easy with the Hobie, really, but I'd launch from Mexico...or at least Imperial Beach. With the Islands it's not the distance, it's the currents and boat traffic you should be worried about. Honestly, with the easy Yellowtail fishing available to us on plastic crafts, I'll save my long trips for offshore exotics like Marlin and Tuna.

And on this particular day, it would have been suicide to fish off a kayak at Pukey Point. This point is well known for it's ridiculous current and those rocks are no joke. The swell was at least 8' on this day (breaking at times), solid three mph current and 20 mph+ winds. The Oregon Tuna fisherman would have been right at home . One minute I'm talking to a guy on a 24' boat and ten minutes later he's going over the side for a swim. It was about as snotty as it gets out there.
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