Thread: Luuuuuccccyyy!
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Old 03-20-2010, 10:35 PM   #4
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Lucy Speaks!

Sat. 3/20:
With the forecast showing an almost "perfect" winter weather day, Steveooo called to bribe me into getting my new yak out of dry dock and onto the water for it's maiden voyage. With the recent photos/reports of some nice we were optimistic of our chances. Bait was tough in the dark but once the sun peaked out just past gray light, it was plentiful.

While on the move, I thought why not troll something on the way and almost immediately the spool started singing:

Nice to pull on something of quality.....Been a while:

After a few minutes of drag pulling and thanks to Steve's quick eye and quick trigger finger on the camera....

A decent size T shows his face. Not the "right kind" but still a blast on a great day out there. Coming up to color...

Since I have family and friends in town visiting from Taiwan who would really enjoy the fresh eats and I felt comfortable with the size (not too small, not too big) for the yak, the decision was made. Plus, I probably would have got the Chinese water torture from the family if I brought home only pics and a story!

Thanks Steve for the assist in subduing the fish with our make shift tail rope and a dull Bowie knife

Very interesting trying to pedal a Hobie while balancing a T-Shark in your lap. That effort did not last long as I decided pulling the drive for some added room and paddling it in would be much more efficient. Good thing the Adventure is also a good paddler..."King of the world" pose:

Happy on a Hobie...

Launch and landings were uneventful today with ankle slapper heights. Back on the beach early...

You may notice a "helmet" cam on in some of the pics. The footage came out well but PC's have the most outdated, crappy video editing software imaginable. Maybe we will get lucky and one of Steve's magical vids will appear someday as I couldn't get my videographer skills going today.

Great day on the water... and stoked to break in the new yak!

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