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Old 03-22-2010, 10:55 AM   #1
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Posts: 134
My first WSB tale..

I feel like I have reached a summit...

As you all know, successful kayak fishing is no easy feat. Our gawky beach going on-lookers think we show up with a kayak and fishing pole, paddle around, drop a line, and reel in trophy fish. Easy 1,2,3. We know however, that it is so much more than that. Just being out on the water means you have successfully made your trip, planned, studied, and you have your gear ready and tuned. You are aware of the conditions, and have made your adjustments and plans accordingly etc etc. I personally love the challenge, and the continuing learning curve that kayak fishing presents.

I don't have an amusing, twisty, creative story to tell. What I can say, is that catching my first WSB was an amazing experience. It was the culmination of many factors, all coming together in that perfect moment, leading to successfully catching and landing this fish. It has taken near two years, multiple kayaks, many gear changes, and a lot of fishless lessons out in LJ to make this happen- which is why it is all the sweeter! You all know what I am talking about. That is why I wanted to share this accomplishment. This board, our community, and the friends I have been lucky enough to meet on the water, were all part of the factors in landing this one. So a sincere thank you to all of you, and to this great kayak fishing community.

Another big thank you to Eric for lending a hand, and some moral support! And for taking the time to get some priceless shots of this fish that I will enjoy for a lifetime!!

See you out on the water~

WSB- 45 lbs.

Last edited by Rob929; 03-22-2010 at 11:09 AM.
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