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Old 04-18-2010, 06:31 AM   #11
Olivenhain Bob
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Did a leak test. My Revo is watertight below the normal water line. I am fairly sure my main leak source is the front hatch. I run the fish finder cables over the gasket and am sure that I do not get a very good seal there as a result.

Fongman has a good point as well. I was totally submerged many times as I tried to make it through the relentless surf. The rudder cable holes are always open and this day they were underwater quite a bit.

For those who have adopted my transducer wet mount idea, I have some news to report on that front as well. All the pounding, which probably also included some significant hull flexing caused the goop holding down my well to spring a leak. It was not a big leak but I found that if I pressed on the well, I could force some water out.

I removed the unit and re-attached it to the hull. This time I made sure that there was a 3/4" wide, thin layer of goop, applied like caulk surrounding the ABS pipe on the outside.

It is probably a good idea to frequently check the integrity of the bond between the plastic pipe and the hull along with making sure that there is water in the well.

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