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Old 04-22-2010, 06:32 PM   #18
Olivenhain Bob
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I see a number of solutions to this problem. Frankly, it is one that I never considered to be a problem before. But obviously at least some types of kayaks can sink.

As I mentioned in another thread, an inflatable bladder or two that can be inflated by hitting some sort of a panic button is one way to go. My concern with this option is that it may degrade over time and not work when needed.

A passive flotation device seems like a better idea. The noodle idea is one to consider but I wonder where they could be placed so they do not take up space needed for accessible storage.

I am thinking that by simply taking a few one gallon milk jugs, sealing them so they are air tight and stuffing them into the unused space in the bow and stern might just do the trick. They could be bungeed or glued in place.

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