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Old 05-12-2010, 12:03 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2010
Location: HB, CA The OC
Posts: 12
new fishing kayaker

hi, i'm new to this forum and to the kayak fishing community. ive loved fishing since i was young (21 now) and after saving several paychecks, i purchased a malibu pro2 tandem (fish and dive) kayak. i chose a 2 seater as a starter so i could take out some buddies and make my trip more enjoyable. although i had to make a sacrifice for storage space on a tandem. this forum seems like a wonderful way to acquire useful information. i pick up my kayak this weekend from OEX sunset beach and im thinking about launching anywhere from balboa, huntington harbour and corona del mar. i've read about a kelp bed in CDM in which i do NOT know how to get to.. i am indeed very much new to this ocean sport and a bit unaware and inexperienced. i've reside in huntington beach for more than a decade and ought to make use of the ocean.. if anybody that's down to earth, preferably young would like to come out with me some time, catch some fish, enjoy the trip, and show me the ropes the first few times, it would be nice. looking forward to starting my ocean kayaking/fishing hobby!

also, for a bait tank, im thinking about using a discontinued Shimano Live Well container/bag. you can take a look at it here but i found it somewhere for half the price.. so note dont buy it from here!

instead of using a pump, i'm going to use that Shimano live well with a D cell battery operated airstone aerator i could find at harbor freight or walmart for cheap... this is temporary before i would like to learn to make my own or add a pump attachment to my shimano bag. does anyone have their 2 cent on battery operated airstone kits? an example of these kits could be found in the link below. keep in mind that i have a tandem and barely have any space to spare for a bait tank! i looked into the oem malibu tandem bait tank installed in the rectangular hatch but they are well over my price range at $300 plus. i have already overspent with my new kayak along with the rest of the necessities required for this sport. help me save some bucks!

thanks in advance!

Last edited by visforvegetables; 05-12-2010 at 01:22 AM.
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