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Old 05-31-2010, 07:16 PM   #1
Calico Killer Kevin
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 10
South OC 5/30 Bass Trifecta

Took care of business on Friday and was planning to fish MB on Saturday, but changed plans to do a bit of this.

Sunday had me heading out of the harbor this time in search of some bigger critters. Haven't taken the yaks out for probably like three or four months or so. I finally installed my transducer using the PVC water storage method. Works pretty well.

Didn't launch until nearly 9:00 and didn't get to the kelp beds until maybe 9:45. First cast got slammed. Lots of headshaking and then dead weight had me thinking hali with capers and white wine sauce.

Turned out to be a nice sandie. Two pounds give or take.

Third cast in the lanes got a subtle bite which turned out to be a small calico.

That's it for the two hours we spent out there. Ain't no Vince Red Drum day, but at least something. Better than most of the 6-8 yakkers I saw out there. Anybody from here? Once the water warms up a it, this place is going to go off. Metered lots of fish hanging out in the forest.

Headed back to the harbor because this land lubber got seasick. Wuss...

Fished a couple docks on the way in for a couple of spoties that were digging the Spottie Slayer. Couple nice ones too.

After getting stung 7 times while in Cabo, I guess it's safe to say that I officially HATE jellyfish.

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