Thread: avet sx
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Old 06-05-2010, 06:47 PM   #32
Nic D
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Originally Posted by WahooUSMA View Post
Additionally, Avet did a test recently grease vs. no grease for drag pressure - No grease won.
of course they said that. I don't care what Avet says, Im going with Alan Tani. Alan doesn't have a dog in the fight, he just knows reels.

this was his post that he has posted on just bout every fishing forum known to man, except this one, and if he knew about this forum Im sure he would post it if needed.

"i've applied a thick coat of shimano drag grease to the inside of the spool and to both sides of the drag washer. the purpose is to protect these surfaces from salt water intrusion. apply enough grease to prevent water from getting in between the drag washer and the spool."

and then later he says
"guys, don't forget!!!!! the drag washers on the smaller reels, sx, mx, jx and lx, are all glued in now. my recommendation is to slap a thick coat of drag grease on the washer, , wipe off the excess and you're done. make sure you get all the corners. you don't want salt water creeping underneath the drag washer because the aluminum will bubble.

the main point is that you can not pry out these new "glued in" drag washers. a guy just sent me a pm saying that he did exactly that. we've talked about it so much here, that i thought everyone knew. alan"
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