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Old 06-17-2010, 09:18 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Thresher_Cowboy View Post
Dumb idea and irresponsible. I don'texpect you to come back but I just hope you don't give anybody else
the same idea. If somebody needs to explain to you why this is a stupid idea maybe you should go ahead and go for it....
I'm guessing you're not much of a cowboy...

I choose to live life, not watch it from the sidelines. Anyone
who thinks this was a spur of the moment idea has got it wrong.

I would advise against anyone attempting this without
thorough planning and endurance training.

I've done a lot of research and preparation. There are many
things you can't control, only prepare for. I've done what I can
and I continue to work at increasing my odds of success
by continued preparation and education.

Additionally, you have to know your limits and know when to call
it quits. I've prepared several contingency plans for various scenarios.
If I last two days and decide its not for me, then I'll be disappointed,
but I'll know that at least I gave it a shot.

...but, if I make it the entire way, I'll have had an incredible journey
and memories that can never be taken away from me. Life was not
meant to be lived in an 8x8 cubicle. Think about how you want to
spend your life. This is how I choose to spend mine.

"We choose to do these things not because they are easy, but
because they are hard" - John F. Kennedy
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