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Old 06-25-2010, 07:38 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
it's me Adi, it's me... (part I)

On June 15 I started early and was ready to head
home by 2pm. With nothing but a couple of fresh
frozen squid left. I hate feeding the seals, so, as
I approached the reserve bouys I dropped the dead
squid down while talking to myself: Oh, what the hell...

Nibble nibble, up comes a sand bass. It coughed up
my squid, so, down it goes again. Nibble nibble, up
comes a calico. Maybe I should keep these things
since it's better than coming home with nothing, again.
Nah, I know Sammons is watching, better let it go.
But, I'm still stuck with the stupid squid.

Down it goes again. Nibble nibble, but this time, zing
zing, zing pull-pull. I set the hook and feel something
heavy and powerful. But only for a minute, then ping.
Crap... But then a voice says to me: Farm another one?
WTF?? A new group of 5 kayakfisherman approach and
start yelling, "They're here!"

What's here? I look at my fishfinder only to be amazed.

Between us, 30 wsb were caught. Adi, I wish you could of been there. Where were you??

Adi, I realize your last wsb was a mere 28lbs, but here's a repice a Bosnian Cave Man can make:

Let's try Pan Roasting! Simple and quick (less than 1/2hr). Adi,
you can start feeding you fam something other than plain white
wsb fillets.

Here's what you need:

Add olive oil in a frying pan that has a lid and can go into the oven, then fry up both sides of Fat WSB Steaks that have salt/pepper and saffron (or Paprika), like this:

Just as you get good color on each side, add 1 cup of good white wine, lemon wedges, parsley, and onions.

Put the lid on, then pop it into the oven for 15mins. So it looks like this:

Enjoy! Adi, remember, this is only Part I...
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