Thread: 1st yak Hali...
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Old 07-16-2010, 09:01 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 149
1st yak Hali...

I recentley bought a Ocean Kayak Malibu 2xl to entertain the kid's.
The last few day's we been hittin' the beach having fun.
Last night i got a small live bait bucket to toss on the side and drift for hali's while the kids play on the sand. Got to the beach hung out for a bit then made my paddle to the bait barge with one of my daughter's. Got some fat sardines and made my paddle to the kelp bed along the rocks. Leah got bored so i dropped her of on the beach. Made my paddle back to the kelp this time with my bro in law. We tied off to the kelp and I started to work the edge of the kelp. A few minutes into it im feelin some bites, put the reel in free spool and let it work it and it takes it put the reel in gear and bam set the hook. Got it to the yak and my bro in law net's a nice 26' hali. High fives and paddle back to the sand and the lady is ready to leave I say perfect timing cause look what we got. She was stoked the last few day's she's been wanting fresh fish and was nagging at me talking about how I always fish but never bring anything good. She knows i love to C&R and dont really care until she get's a fresh fish craving so the last few outing i been trying hard to get a legal and today was the day.

Water:clean and clear with the red tide on the outside.

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