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Old 08-19-2010, 09:40 AM   #23
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2
Its really not my first post, probably my third or forth a tecnical thing i gess, but ebery time i have post its on the same matter, i guess i dont like people critizising the place a live and love, do i own a kayak?, all my life, do i like fishing? more or the same as the next guy i just don like it wen some one shares his experience some people just jump right away to say that your crazy to take your fammily there, i so some assholes driving a caravan with white flags on ther antenas like if there where crossing a war zone, things like ïts no wonder it hapened over there, you would never see that here,my respons wasnt to the guy that get robed i am realy sorry that that hapaned, my response was for those that allways complain about Mexico but cant get unogh of it, and as far as choosing my words i stand behind them,all of them, y para ti cabron que dices que eres Mexicano chinga tu madre verguenza te deveria de dar andar defendiendo estas pendejadas, vente a vivir aqui a mexico y paga tus impuestos aqui y chingate como todos y luego vienes adefender tu causa, and as far as earning mi credibility?,i didnt know you have to insult some one to earn it, full of b.s?, pendejo?, trets like choose your words?, nice credibility, nice way to treat a first post, butt i am sorry, i guess i got mixup with another country, and as far as mi spelling it didnt seem like a problem i gess every one understand wat i say
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