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Old 08-19-2010, 01:28 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by cowboybill View Post
I had to respond again after seeing the comment from the guy trying to turn this around to seem like Mexico bashing... The big thing to remember is you do not have the same rights, or access to legal protection, period.

On a positive note; I must say that while travelling near Laguna Hanson (roughly 50-75 miles south of Tecate), My 4x4 broke down. Battery lost 2 cells...I was on flat ground so I could not bump it....
I hiked about 3-5 miles north, and met 2 brothers farming....Long story short, these 2 brothers took about 3-4 hours to get me back and running. They had to get out an old ford bronco, get it started, get gas, etc, etc...
They saved my ass, and asked for nothing. In fact the family offered me dinner and a nights stay! I gave them $50 or so for their troubles (they would not take more) and took off. It has been over 15 years, and I still remember their names...Martin and Mario of Rancho Day....

The locals tend to be just good down home folk... I wish the legal system was as ethical.

I have been seeing this type of friendliness down there for the last 10 years. Just this last weekend I needed my air conditioning charged. I went to a guy who took me to the place where they have all their work done. 60 minutes later my AC is running like magic and the guy charged me $40 for all the work he did.

I have only had 1 issue going down to Baja, and that is not enough to keep me from going down there. I will do things differently when going through the check point from now on, and I will know a lot more Spanish as well.

Sadly there are too many people up here that Pre-judge the people south of the border and it's not fair. I have no problem with anyone wanting to stay safe, but please don't assume that everyone in Baja is the same as the drug lords we keep hearing about. I have 2 fishing guides that I know down there that I would trust my life with, and I also know many people down there that I would do that same.

It's a fun place to visit just be smart, safe, and check your temper at the border.
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