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Old 08-27-2010, 10:55 AM   #3
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La Jolla Zombie Test

So, I took my wife and kid, one of my Aussie buddies and his wife and kid to LJ shores to have a little bonfire and let the kids play together. We were sitting by the fire pit and I was telling him about the Zombie Tourists theory that Dan and I have discussed on multiple occasions. Being an obnoxious west coast Aussie, Nick wanted to test our theory.... This was bad ass!!!

Test #1) Two girls in their mid twenties walked up and asked if they could pet our dogs. Nick yelled firmly "No, they bite." The girls proceeded to walk through our stake out, and pet the dogs. While they're pettting the dog Nick is going on about how these stupid chiks don't listen, are going to get bit and try to sue us. This seemed to go right over their zombie heads. Anyway, one of them got nipped, freeked out and ran away. Meanwhile the other chick kept petting them.

Test #2) Two guys in their early twenties walked up and asked if they could warm up near our bonfire. Nick firmly said "no, buzz off." They sat there by the fire asking what kind of dogs we had and Nick kept telling them to scram. Finally after five or ten awekward minutes if him talking crap to them, they said thanks, and left.

Yes, we were being jerks, and no, we're not normally like that, but it proves that people now days, especially zombie tourists, ignore common sense, do not listen, and think they are intitled to everything. As a rather tight knit community, lets not turn into this.

Last edited by Rusty; 08-27-2010 at 04:00 PM.
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