Thread: LJ on the fly
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Old 06-21-2006, 09:59 AM   #1
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LJ on the fly

Its been awhile since I tossed or dragged a line at LJ (Work and related travel - another story). Did so Monday AM w/ Tobey, but rather than iron or macks, I tossed and dragged the fly. Did this a bit last year and although a challenge, it has its rewards. Other recent posts noted the eerie lack of kelp, large bait balls and occasional bonito and barries. My line found none-of-the-above, but did manage to attract a nice-sized calico and vermillion rf. Also tantalized something much larger, but we parted ways soon after whatever it was felt the sting of the hook (When fishing the fly, can't fall asleep at the, uh, reel ...). Was reminded that the spinning handle on a 1 to 1 fly reel is none-too-kind to the knuckles when giving line to powerhouse, but it certainly does get the adrenaline pumping. Felt "underdressed" when paddling out w/ one rod and no bait tank, but I think I could get used to it. If there are any other knucklheads out there fishing the fly for YT's, would welcome your input.

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