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Old 09-09-2010, 07:19 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
Jim, I hesitate to question anything someone with your credentials says but in my experience greenbacks are far more durable than Spanish. Maybe it is different when weighted to the bottom but for flylining, give me a greenie any time.

I have no credentials I just fish too much...

It's not a big deal. Like I said the greenbacks are essentially little tuna, and order to breath well they have to be swimming. On a dropper loop they are stationary and can't swim around so the struggle against the loop and wear themselves out and die. Spanish don't have the same problems. It depends on the drift but I have found they just don't live as long. Same thing if your bait tank pump fails a Spanish can last a lot longer then a greenback if the flow stops. Greenbacks swim harder so they seem to be stronger, but because they swim so hard they wear themselves out and die faster.

I never thought about it much until I fished a bunch of Caballitos down at PV for big tuna. Caballito's (the little horse) are well known for their ability to live a long time on the hook. We were making bait and I got a Greenback and was psyched, but one of the locals told me to toss it back that it was lousy bait because it would die on the hook.

Caballito's are horse mackerel or Scads in the jack family just like Our Spanish macks.

This is a caballito:

This is what we call a Spanish mack:

As you can see they are pretty similar. Cabbies are just shorter and wider but they look remarkably the same.

Here's a tuna I got on a cabby down there:

I got that with a Torium twenty 65 spectra and a short fifty fluorocarbon topshot. Essentially heavy La Jolla gear.... LOL

It's actually kind of a funny catch. After three days of fishing the right gear: 130 spectra to 130 fluoro, on 50W reels in foaming breaking 200 to 300 pound fish, I decided to toss out a Cabbie on my Pargo rod just to hook one. Lucky for me I hooked one of the smallest fish around...LOL

I swear that bait was only in the water for ten seconds before it got nailed.

I was ready to bait another but the locals gave me a ton of shit for going to the lighter gear, as they didn't want to see me hook and loose a real fish. So I put it the "light stuff" away, but I was just glad to get some blood on the deck.

I was definitely undergunned for the local fish with that setup.

Here's a reel fish my buddy Rob scored on the same trip:

I would of loved to hook that thing but never got a shot.

At any rate since that PV trip I've had a new respect for Spanish macks and I really like using them. You can land quality yellows on them. They are actually one of my favorite baits to fish, and from my experiance they do last longer on the hook then greenbacks, but your milege might vary, and I think a lot of it has to do with how you fish them. To be honest though I've caught more yellows on Sardines then both our mackeral combined and I have caught bigger ones on squid then on anything else. It's all good, it's all about the conditions and how you use them.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 09-09-2010 at 07:34 PM.
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