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Old 06-27-2006, 06:22 AM   #12
OB Paddler
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Posts: 21
I looked into the bait tube when setting up my kayak at the begining of this year. loved the fact that you don't need to worry about batteries and pumps... and alot cheaper too. I spoke to a guy down at the launch one morning that had a nice bait tube set-up (forgot his name), and his advice was what made me decide. Bait tube get's constant fresh oxygenated water, cheap to build, and with a little practice it's aparently not difficult to handle your bait. The down side is that he did notice after a few hours on the water his bait could get banged up a bit.

I ended up going with a home made bait tank setup, budgeted about 100 bucks for it, and went only slighty over. I know you can build a basic one for alot less. And although I'm still dialing it in i.e. power consumption and flow rates, i notice my bait stays very lively and unmolested even after 5 hrs.

The main advice I can give, seeing as I just went through building a tank is "keep-it-simple-stupid" .... I REALLY SHOULD FOLLOW MY OWN ADVICE :roll:
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