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Old 09-24-2010, 09:48 PM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: San Diego
Posts: 99
Originally Posted by bmercury View Post
Now that you have dehumanized these people and deemed them "terrorists". What are you going to do to them if your favorite fishing spot is closed? Go on a killing spree because they are "terrorists" and therefore fair game? That will sure show them who the terrorist is!

By your criteria I could call people who are advocating for insurance companies to be able to deny health care to children "terrorists". Or people who are advocating for apartheid against homosexuals, immigrants etc "terrorists". These sorts of people have used the same tactics which you describe. Those are in my opinion much more damaging views than wanting to disrupt my hobby.

But I would not, they are simply people with whom I have a policy disagreement.
[sarcasm]Good to know you would never resort to hyperbole or demonizing people with whom you have a policy disagreement.[/sarcasm]

While I agree with you that labeling these people terrorists is counterproductive, it's pretty clear that they are not just well-meaning opponents arguing their position in good faith. They'll use any dirty tactics they can get away with and they are very well funded and organized.

Maybe you could direct some of that anger at the other side. While it's just a hobby to you, there are plenty of people who's livelihood depends on recreational fishing. I'm sure they would appreciate your help.
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