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Old 09-29-2010, 07:51 PM   #37
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 520

Look what I got!
Hello Sir nice to meet ya. Nice to see someone fishing dressed in there sunday Best!

See thats the fundamental differances here. And those folks Rob, Dsafety and even Steveo summed it up best.

You know Stan, The constitution Doesnt say that i have a right to fish. But shutting down large secions of the California coast to fishing is just flat out wrong.

I took my first girlfriend up to the Dana point headlands, Now its going to be a Hotel. But I aint against Developement.
I grew up in Dana point, I fished up and down the coast of Laguna. I live only 20 minutes up the coast. And I still miss my home.

That Coastline that some of you Enviormental folks seem to know so much about. all those red areas on a map, Landmarks and Gps cordinates. They may just be that to you.

But those places, They are All that I am...

The MLPA process doesnt hurt the big sportboats, or the commercial fleets, the guys taking all the fish. Its hurting the local kayak fishign comunity, they peopel who take less than 1% of fish in comparrison to the rest... Were the ones getting a shaft.

Stan you dont know who your talking to here. The people in this community pick up trash when out on the water, they fish man powered crafts. They are not keeping mass Quanities of fish, not even the full limits. They enjoy the sport becuase it puts them in touch with the enviorment. Anyone could get a loan for some Fancy Lefty Marine Biologist Degree, where they teach you that Science is proving logic wrong And that just becuase fish have tales doesnt mean they wont swim out of the Reserves, And that if you take a sentence move the words around it could mean what they want it to mean and whatever. The people in This community are made up of Tax payers. Mothers and Fathers. Hard working Americans, and outdoor enthusist.

What you dont udnerstand is that those who take from the Enviorment could tell you alot about it. Fisherman have Infinately more knowlege about the Ocean than some professor in a classroom. When you love something, you put your whole heart it in, and try to learn everything about it.

In fact Im doing a study right now on California Halibut Diets. And what they eat during certain times of the year, and what they are feeding on in certain Enviorments, i personally think they eat more than the bait we use to catch them with.

Yeah I was college myself, most folks here know im a pretty young guy for this crowd. But i know what they teach you "marine Biologist" I took a good deal of classes myself. And a good lot of it is Horse shit.

What this MLPA has done. Is it has damaged the the relationships between the state and the fisherman. In other states, Fisherman and the DFG work hand in hand to help manage the enviorment. Fisherman take form the Enviorment so as a whole they know whats going on. And they have the most to lose from its mis management. Now the DFG survey folks cant get an honest anwser to questions about what they caught anymore., becuase folks think that info could be used in the MLPA proces to guide the state on where to close? The fisherman dont trust state anymore.

You came on here looking for a fight. and you got one. Pick apart any anyones posting all you want. You arent going to Sway any minds here.

So take a Hike. God forbid I ever see a sunday school dressed guy out there surf fishing. I might think its you.
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