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Old 10-02-2010, 11:55 AM   #10
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Location: San Carlos
Posts: 202
Been a while since I have posted but saw this and figured I would share my experience.

My last yak I had I was to big for and twice found myself upside down. Once in the calm bay hooping early lobster season, and once in LJ. Got back in fine in the bay (light clothing, warm night), but the time in LJ it was winter time, and I had on layers and waders. I had a hell of a time trying to get back in my yak. A guy came over and told me to get on from the bow. Basically push the nose down and shimmy on back to the seat. Worked like a charm. Dont have to worry about tipping back over, just any accessories you have that may get in the way that you may want to remove prior to boarding.

I now paddle an X-Factor which is much more stable than my last yak.

And on the paddle losing note, I always use a leash, especially since I spent good money on a Werner. There is actually a guy on this board (who will remain nameless to protect the innocent), who when one night we were hooping the big bay I hear him yell his paddle floated off while pulling up a hoop. We searched for a bit, and he actually found the black paddle at night. lucky man!

if your brain had fists, you could only hurt yourself!
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