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Old 10-20-2010, 06:06 PM   #4
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it was "dynamite" to see all my LJ friends again

what a shameless and disgusting display. what amazed me was this great disconnect about what the mpa's are about, and what those morons thought they would do. like the laguna tuna who want the highest level of protection, but how is that going to do anything about their tidepools or shore? or the high tech girl in tears about the LJ tidepool. again, there is nothing in the mpa's that protect anything...

ah, but, now maybe you're starting to "get it". folks, we ain't the target, hard as it is to believe. they don't like us, don't ever think they do, but what they're after is much bigger. see, what they know, and maybe escaped us (because, we are not an evil lot like them. we don't see freedom as something to be destroyed, as standing in the way of "progress") but the mpa's are really an end run, a back door to a great many things they couldn't ever achieve any other way.

the reserves give them pretty much carte blanche to do everything to protect them: extreme pollution controls, development restraints, restrictions of access, and on and on. in many ways the whole "no take" was a ruse, a gimmick to get in. look, did you hear any of those blue shirt morons even discuss fish or fish populations or whatever? one, they couldn't give two shits about the fish. two, they would lose big time that argument, because our stocks are healthy and it isn't like they are in this to help fishing.

so, notice how they turned the arguments completely away from mpa reality and towards mpa fantasy. and they know to get what they really want, they have to pull out all the stops, do anything necessary to get from point a to point b. which is why they will shamelessly exploit kids. and why they are evil in every sense of the word. 'bout the only difference between them and stalin's twenty-five thousanders is, is, is, is, (stuttering, looking for answer...)

good to see such a great turnout
:c heers1:
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