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Old 11-11-2010, 08:51 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by TYLER MM View Post
Hey everybody, I'm brand new to kayak fishin and just recently bought a Stealth 12 during the OEX sale up in LA. The only thing I've had done is hookin up the livewell which was installed at OEX in Mission Bay. Only 2 trips under my belt. Once in Mission Bay and once in SD Bay. Mission bay was a good trip with no trouble but SD Bay was a real wake up call to the risk out there. While out there I grabbed a scoop of bait and after an hour or so of fishin the kayak starts feelin different a little heavy I guess. And without understanding how I realize I'm takin on some serious water now cuz I'm sinkin. Not extremely fast but I'm goin down. I manage to get to shore, open up the hatch and the hull is about 1/2 full of water. After reading a few of the other posts, it sounds like it's the bait pump pumpin to much water in to fast. Is a timing switch the right fix for this? And is that the only thing I would need for this. Oh and a bilge pump. Thanks guys
my buddy picked up a stealth 14 at the same sale.went out on maiden trip and had the same proublem yak was more than half full of water.what had happend was that there is two black plates in front of tank if they are not removed water will over flow thru top of tank and thru top hatches into hull.another thing to look for is the two scuppers under the seat have plugs in them witch really gave the water no place to go but fill up and down the hatches.he ended up drilling two 1/2 inch holes in each plate and the tank is good to also want to make shure you get a hand bilge pump for that kind of emergency.hope it works out to just be a simple fix for you.
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