Thread: Gear question
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Old 11-16-2010, 03:23 PM   #2
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by barbma86 View Post
Hey has anyone tried to use an alcohol burner for hikes where you know it will be wet? I just bought a evernew alcohol stove and a few friends and I are headed up near Alpental pass and it will definitely be wet. I'm not sure if I should bring the alcohol burner, or if we should try to find a different source to heat our food with? Thanks for the help!
I prefer to consume my alcohol with spam..

Now I could be wrong but this appears to be computer bot generated spam.
barbma86;69362 looks like a computer generated ID, the link is not to a Evernew stove but instead Yaktrax footware..

Which though not related to kayaking (unless someone kayaking the mountain ice fields) It does match the keyword "YAK" which a bot could find scanning the boards. SO to me this looks like a bot generated advertisement slipped in as a post.

As to the actual question on a Evernew titanium stove...

Yep ... it is a great piece of somewhat expensive, simple, foolproof, long lasting gear, that only weighs about an ounce. You want it covered in rain, otherwise it might splash the flames around. If it get's really wet just empty it out dry at off and start it up with fresh alcohol.

In my opinion 87 bucks is a lot of money for that stove kit. It's kind of a knockoff a Tragia 28 at double the price, but since it's Titanium, it's lighter, and tougher, and if you got the stove and stand, unlike with the Tragia the Evernew stand can also be configured for solid fuel and wood use which is kinda cool. I could see how that feature alone could save the day if you ran out or spilled all your fuel, and still needed to boil water.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 11-16-2010 at 04:07 PM.
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