Thread: LJ Report
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Old 11-27-2010, 01:46 PM   #1
BRTF...bought & paid...
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LJ Report

Notice it didn't say Fish Report...that in itself should be a dead giveaway.

Launched at oh dark thirty in my new (used) ride, the maiden voyage...about time I upgraded. Had to battle relentless ankle slappers to get out, but I'm sure all that launched made it out safely. A bit nippy, but not too bad.

Set up shop, managed to get a couple squirts, pinned down, no takers.
As the sun rose, so did the typical heat rising effect...Victory at Sea. With the winds came the chops, and for a good hour or so, not the most pleasant conditions. Nice rip going on, had an iron down and a fresh mac down as well, but got no love.

Winds started to die down and LJ became as flat as an ex before a boob job.

Met an early riser who was heading in, gave me some fresh dead, to no avail. Paid it forward and donated to a guy heading out in lake conditions who couldn't believe there had been chop on the pond.

Luckily have a neighbor who just got back from a multi-day Mex trip, so there is YFT to be had.

Can't wait to get out again...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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