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Old 01-22-2011, 03:33 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by old_rookie View Post
I know they crawl at night, just wondering if it has been tried during the day and has it been successfull?
I've done it. Sometimes you can get a few stragglers right at dawn, but you can actually have good success if your hooping in really really dirty water.

It's a food vrs risk equation.

Bugs come out at night because their predators have more trouble seeing them in the dark. In daylight they can be seen clearly against the sand by such predators as sharks black seabass or seals.

The more light be it a full moon or sunlight that you have the closer they want to stay to the safety of their holes.

The exception is extremely dirty water, because the predators can't see them in pea soup conditions, they then feel comfortable scavenging food even in the daylight, and since they scavenge using their sense of smell the dirty water doesn't slow them down or inhibit their ability to feed.

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