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Old 02-13-2011, 05:26 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by yakcrazy View Post
Hey Andy. Thanks for all the info.
I have heard nothing but good things about you and OEX. I am also 100% aware of the return policy on the blem yaks. I'm not requesting a refund or exchange or anything like that. I'm more concerned about whether or not it's safe and whether or not I should attack the problem now or later or whether it is even a problem or potential problem that's all.
"All of the kayaks sold were seaworthy they just were not perfect."
Does this mean I can still load it down completely and bash it through the surf and all? What do you think Andy? Potential concerns?
Is it something I should fix now?
Is the structural integrity compromised?
Do you think it's unsafe?
Will it sit lower and take on more water?
Do I just wait until I have a problem like a crack or something and then fix it?
If I do fix it how much money do you think I am looking at spending?
The other reasons for blems being determined as blems are far less complicated than this one is. Obviously you wouldn't care to fix a scratch now or put a graphic on that maybe wasn't there. But my issue is a little more trivial.

Thanks Andy!
If Andy says it is seaworthy you can bet that you can use it just like any other yak. Unless you can see through the thin areas, you should have no problems. Just don't treat it like the rental guys at La Jolla and remember to visually inspect it on a regular basis as anybody should do.
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