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Old 02-14-2011, 09:22 AM   #6
Join Date: May 2005
Location: In a house
Posts: 79
I like that comparison, I am a golf pro locally and really never looked at it that way.

Josh you ever want to learn to play better golf give me a shout.

It has been a LONG while since posting or fishing because the other job does get in the way.

You are right Tom about time on the water, Golf is like fishing. The more you play, practice or just have a golf club in hand the better your game is period. Your confidence is up and you simply play better.
The more you fish, spend time on the water or simply surround yourself with people that have knowledge of fishing you will increase your chances of catching and hopefully releasing a few more fish than expected.

I hope to get back out on the water soon because like golf, you do not forget how to fish you just loose that connection with the Jewel and yourself and there goes the confidence, you might just start questioning yourself on how do I catch fish again.

to everyone that has been posting lately, it has keeped me up to date and mentally sane to someone catching and releasing fish.
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