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Old 02-20-2011, 05:41 PM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Posts: 246
Originally Posted by monkeyfishturds View Post
peguinpower, i fish in malibu. at least once every winter they clock offshore winds between 50 and 90 mph. crazy stuff! it's foolish to go out when they're calling for bad weather. even if it was only 15 mph, those beginners where unable to paddle back to shore. the guide should have known beginners might not be able to paddle against winds 15 and above.
beginners have no idea what wind speed they can handle. it's all new to them.
Thats where it happened. Ive heard that the canyons funnel the wind from the valley and given the right circumstance, you get what we got that day. Afterburner winds.

It wasnt like we were fishing in high winds. We just found ourselves in that situation all of a sudden. Our biggest mistake was taking pictures of the lightning and water spouts in the horizon, thinking it was cool since it was headed parallel to us. Not. Doh!
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