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Old 08-21-2006, 11:17 AM   #1
Iceman's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: 1-2 miles off the point
Posts: 6,943
8/21 Nuthin but heartache

Launched a little after 5AM into short interval, steep & sloppy. I got soaked and charged out into a few more with the last one hitting me in the chest pretty good. Went to the pier and picked away at macs. Did not think I'd need too many as I was going north. Made my way into the NW wind. Around 7 AM I decided to start the long drift back to the pier. I was just short of the glider and in an hourI was back by the pier. Hung out front with Cris who drifted to the reserve edge. I saw a nice patch of nervous water to the north of the pier and paddled toward it. It was a nice baitball that looked to get spooked from below. Sure enough I see a couple yellows roll on the edge of the bait. I was only 20 feet away, so I wound my flyline in and pitched it por nada. The bait would sink out and get pushed up in another spot, so I was following it around and tossing my 7X bl/w mackeral with my 9 foot stick. I was about 50 feet in front of the pier and saw the bait pop up just north around the 2nd piling in. Threw the iron past and winding BENDO and a big splash as the fish thrashes before taking off. I was fishing 40# Big Game and pushed the star on my Newell as far as I could. I managed to turn the fish from going straight to the piling and it was right under me with the rod pinned, pointing down to the side of the yak. It would take a little line, sounded like bubblewrap popping it was so tight. Pulling me around in circles less that 40 feet from the pier the whole time. If found something down there and broke me off. The last foot of line was shredded. Gotta say it would have been much, much better to stick it, but regardless it was the coolest surface iron hookup I've ever had. I'd rather lose a fish like that than pull on the lil ones. I tied on another iron and soaked the baits for another 1/2 hour, nothing but a long zing and drop that looked like the perferations of a sandie chewing it.

Talked to Soulwinner who got a firecracker and said the bonies were like flies out there.

Managed to pull my nose out of the sand for a dry landing in some pretty steep surf to 2 feet. Took a couple pix. I am lovin the new Canon


Nice stepout and save

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