Thread: LJ 4/3
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:19 PM   #5
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If I kept a log of my hours otw and the fish I've got, I'd quit... only if they weren't enormous awesome uber exotic fish caught locally. Keep your eye on the prize and enjoy it to the fullest once you get it, from the fish initially biting the bait, to the drag ripping of your reel, to first seeing color and asking yourself, "OMG how am I going to gaff this enormous thing," to the drag ripping of the reel again, to sticking em, getting em up on your lap, paddling in with a big 'ole grin on your face, tourists drilling you for goofy information, your neighbors saying "HOLY POO!!! You caught that on what?", filleting it up, seasoning it, cooking it, and sharing a feast with good friends... a beast you hunted down, caught and fought all on your own.


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