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Old 04-18-2011, 10:40 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Posts: 598
For drags there really arn't many options....smoothdrag being what most people use. And like buttchaser said, use only cals, or shimano grease on the drags.

As for the sealine 30 rebuild, Alans site is a great resource. Once you are comfortable rebuilding that reel, all the other star drag reels will be VERY similar. The lever drags are even easier IMO.

One helpful hint I can give you to supplement all the info on Alans site has to do with the bearing and whether to grease or oil.

On alan's site he recommends pulling all the shields on all the bearings and either packing them with grease, on the geartrain bearings, or oil, for the spool shaft bearings to maximize freespool.

While I agree with packing all the geartrain brearings with grease and leaving them open, I havn't had much luck leaving the spool bearing open with oil (they corrode quickly). I think a big part has to do with the wetter kayak environment.

So here is what I do...on my reels which freespool is not a huge deal (all my bait rods, and yoyo) I open and grease ALL the bearings. It really doesn't affect the freespool that much, and makes the service intervals much longer, and usually the bearing are reusable.

For the jigsticks, where obviously freespool is an issue..... I leave the spool bearing factory sealed and just replace them when they start go bad. Bearing are fairly cheap, and the shielded bearing last much longer for me on the yak.

Also remember to grease all the screws when you re-assemble.

Locally, Squidco stocks tons of spare parts, bearing and drags. They generally have any bearing, or drag washer you need in stock.

Have fun!!
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