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Old 04-19-2011, 05:32 PM   #1
Croaker Dave
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Posts: 171
So I Went To The Birch Aquarium...

...and learned that many people who are against no-take marine life protection zones are against them for "profit".

For a while I thought I was in a place of scientific integrity and ethics...but it was the strawman zone, and I was looking differently at this place.

Then I had some fun with the big global warming chart on the wall. The one that shows CO2 vs. temperature for 600,000 years to prove that CO2 causes warming and it is rising now, therefore we're all gonna die. It looked like it was the old two-part proxy chart with the ice-core data that is off by 50% mixed with the modern Mauna Loa data to create the exaggerated hockey stick. As the manager came in to give us the 5-minute morning, I said to the kids "look at this chart closely, girls. See how the temperature is always rising first, and the CO2 rise follows? That's from ocean outgassing. Warming causes CO2, not the other way around". Then as the guy came to shoo us out for last call, my girls were furiously turning the generator cranks on the green light-bulb display and I said "Stop that, you're making too much CO2 by breathing hard". I don't think they want me back.

It was fun looking at all the fish and invertebrates. They have a lot of tanks. Definitely some great bait tanks there, an impressive BSB, but the WSB and yellowtail were small.
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