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Old 04-22-2011, 08:11 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by sterling View Post
You all have missed the BIGGEST POINT in regards to global warming.
About a year and a half to two years ago the "inventor" I mean discoverer of global warming publically announced that it was "bad science" and could NOT be proven. It was almost like the news ticker across the bottom of the screen, no one paid attention to it! Here was the F-er that started this BS stating "Opps, my bad, its not true". The damn liberal media whispered it and continued the policitally charged topic to the point that is it still up as scientific displays in "scientific houses." The enviro whackos are really out to F us all!
It takes a naive person to believe that just one person started a scam that most reputable science groups have bought into. You people also distort the actual message by adding crazy stuff to it like "therefore we're all gonna die". I don't know so much about the Birch Aquarium but Scripps tracks and predicts climate change such as droughts and el ninos etc, not Mayan calendar type stuff.
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