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Old 05-20-2011, 08:14 AM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 192
I've had this one about 6 years, never had a problem, pretty much has always been on the kayak with me. I have dropped it, kicked it, backhanded it , everything short of running it over. Its all dented up but works a charm. The battery just finally died on it though, not bad lasting 6 years and they are only $8 to replace.

This is an older model of course, the newer 800 and 1000 series look pretty good at around $300-$400. I think the 720 was about $300 new back then.

Low light is something of a problem for all digital cameras. You can spend a ton more and get a better sensor but in the end all digital = low light noise. I have a $2000 Canon DSLR setup and it's not much better in low light than the point and shoots.

In my case, I decided to just go with my iPhone and a DryCase. Fully waterproof, decent pics with flash, HD video and of course the internet, phone and iPod build in.
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