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Old 05-29-2011, 09:15 PM   #23
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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Thanks for the motivation guys!

Originally Posted by The Kid View Post
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHALIBUT!!! Who gives a s#!t about those damn things! Hours spent only to have a battle at the end of your rod, end in 2 min. People say WSB are gay, HALIBUT are gayer! Actually they're both gay. I laugh with thought of you just sitting on the prangler waiting for one bite from a fish you can't see! Let's see you pull it off in two more days

Yes, while the HDS is great for locating structure and miniscule grass beds---it's not like I'm running over meter-marks with schools of fish below the boat. And you're right; my Kaenons don't help much trying to look 80' down. The Halibut are lucky in that regard.

And Bellcon, believe me I tried. I referred to my Halibut recon missions this month as the Halibut curse. Something different went wrong each time I targeted them. One trip, my bait-pump died less than a minute after I plugged the tank with Sardines from the bait barge (six miles short of my intended destination). This was the first time I've bought bait in years. All of which were dead by the time I made it to the spot. Another trip I lost my intake tube, which has never happened before. Another trip I forgot my Mirage Drive with the Pro Angler. Which is something I haven't done in a very long time. I'm talking straight up booby-trap $h!t!!!

I'm with The Kid on this one; all that work just to wind in a wet sock for thirty seconds?
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