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Old 08-13-2011, 10:34 PM   #1
Striperman1018's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Inglewood
Posts: 39
LA harbor/ Cabrillo

Hey guys, somewhat new here in the regards that I havent posted much yet but ive been around for a few weeks waiting for something decent to report. Well first things first I finally got a kayak I can fish out of comfortably thanks to one of the BWE members I got it from. Picked up a 09 Hobie Outback just a few hours ago. Taking it out tomorrow morning for the first time.

Anyways on to the good stuff. Fished around LA harbor and cabrillo last Thursday and also today. Thursday was spent mostly targeting flatties to no avail. Decided to make a move with about an hour left to fish. By the time I got to my destination I only had about 20 minutes left. First cast with a fishtrap stuck my first ever. Short and she went back swimming in no time. Fished around till i had to go for no more love.

Today went back out with a buddy that is also as green to kayak fishing as I am. Went straight to where I left off Thursday and once again stuck another shortie on my first cast. My buddy rolled up next to me and also stuck his first ever , also a shortie. After that they quit biting and we went in search elsewhere. Found a good bass bite and picked away at them for a few hours. When I got tired of that I went to a whole fresh dead squish on 20lb gear. Drifted around for a while and all of a sudden a solid tap and a slow steady pull. I let it run for a few seconds and sent it home. Upon hookset the fish started to peel drag at a rate I havent seen in a while. Well long story short it went straight to the stringers and was gone.

Needless to say going back out tomorrow to find the puppy that burned me today. Also on my newly acquired yak

Till then......
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