Thread: Blue Gill
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Old 08-21-2011, 09:54 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Whizz Bang View Post

I love it!
Wait, you are poking fun at yourself right?
You were beaten by a girl in the WCW...badly right?
Your post count annually IS higher than mine right?
You are conspicuously lacking in timely reports right?

Yep. I love it. Even if it was a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.
I have ALWAYS poked fun at myself. It would be weird if others didn't.

Although I'm not in WCW right now, I have never been beaten in WCW by a girl. Sorry that you were. Sharon would have beaten me this year though. Saw that coming, that's why I saved my $20... Give 'em hell Sharon

Yes my post count is higher than yours. Probably because I knew about the forum a few years before you? Give it time, I have faith you can post as much BS as me. ADD + boredom sucks.

I think post count is a horrible number to base anything off of. Most of what I post is bullpoop. For instance, this post.

Yes, I am lacking in timely reports. What I post, I do mostly for my own entertainment, plus I need to feed the ego-centric beast that is "Stevooo". (I do peddle a hobie AND I have a fishfinder, and I use Jazz hands OTW)

I have a "Fixer-upper" house, a 2 year old daughter who is very busy, and another daughter due in 2 months. Free time, fishing, and fishing reports are lacking big time. I still fish a tiny bit, but not as much as I'd like to...

Hope you didn't take my last post too seriously. I meant it purely in jest poking fun @ what I see Not directed @ anyone in particular. Honestly.

The other alternative is to skip steps 1-6, take your yak out, hook a yellow, stab it with a knife, lose it, and then endure the wrath of the members of this forum when you tell the story of how you lost it...

The Pot calling the Kettle Black? Sure, but I'll be the first to admit, that does sound a bit racist

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