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Old 08-25-2011, 12:04 PM   #1
The Freediver
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 89
Friendliest Harbor Seal Ever!

Went out recently on a beach dive while the family played on the beach. I was targeting halibut but my fins kept getting stuck on kelp and eel grass I finally ended up turning around and finding out that it was this curious little harbor seal. I aborted my hunt for halibut and unloaded my gun with slings on the shoulder. I ended up playing with this guy for an hour and he followed me back in to shore. I would have played longer, but my wife and kid were waiting for me. In the end of the video he gives me a hug when I layed my hand on his belly. I REALLY wish the camera angle would have been better for it, but you get the idea.
I should add that I left the water this day feeling better about my dive than most others I've experienced. Great time just relaxing and not focusing on killing something. Sometimes it's great to just enjoy what the ocean has to offer.
Mmmmmm, smoked Barracuda!
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