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Old 09-26-2011, 03:27 PM   #15
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Saba Slayer View Post
3The Red Baits are the best baits...Bonito, Tuna, Salmon, Sardines and Macks are all oily bloody baits and they work great to stimulate the anntenules....I just bought a #50 box of medium size Macks yesterday from New Fish All Bait Co. for a friend. It was a much better deal...Preloading and freezing your full bait cages works great and you don't even have to thaw them out.
This is all very sound advice. I have some macks from Fish All Bait pre-frozen in cages in my freezer right now.

Originally Posted by Bang*Splash View Post
A guy I talked to suggested putting my glow sticks in a plastic milk jug and attaching to my line. He said it keeps the.stick from getting submerged and makes the whole container glow making easier to see.
More good advice. This works very well especially with semi translucent half gallon milk containers, and it's a great simple way to start out. I'd recommend having a standard foam egg float in front of them as the milk containers do sometimes crack especially when run over by boats, and if they crack they can sink down, and get pulled under by the current.

Originally Posted by Bang*Splash View Post
Would prefer having the block above my head and have seen some guys talking about using the sail mast receiver to mount it. I like that idea and think I could whip something together in time for the opener but have some concerns the torque might crack the hull of my PA. Has anyone tried this themselves and actually pulled a lot of pots with it? I'd like to know how the yak hull and mast base have held up.
I've used a boom but not in a hobbie or PA. My take is I would not try it with that type of mount. The sail mast receiver is not designed for that kind of torque at that angle, and it could fail. That said you might be able to incorporate the sail mast receiver into a design that had additional bracing to spread out the load.

Booms an haulers are being discussed in another thread, and you can see my boom there:

The two issues to think about with a boom are placement and mounting structure. Bad placement can make it hard to use but poor mounting can rip apart your yak.

Like Saba says.... you don't need a boom to hoop, especially if your just starting out.

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