Thread: Launch Thefts
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Old 09-26-2011, 05:25 PM   #1
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Launch Thefts

If you notice any suspicious cars or people in the dark hours make sure they are aware that you have spotted them....It never hurts to say hello.

For instance the last few days in the dark mornings a very suspicious gold 80's Chevrolet sedan has been parked in different spaces where we all park around the launch (normally this wouldnt be a red flag except), with the driver lurking in the back seat with a windshield shade up at 4 am. I got the plate number and made sure he knew that I saw him lurking... Obviously this may be nothing and probably just an employee of the hotel, but its better to be safe than sorry, I've dealt with car theft and it blows...

Just keep your eyes open when parking...

To the Guy in a gold 80's chevrolet sedan , If your a kayak fisherman and just don't own a kayak, and are just lurking around to pick up tips I am sorry for labeling you as a lurker , however you can just use the search function on here

I think we should publicly stone the guy who stole Jasmins car........

Last edited by RK; 09-27-2011 at 08:17 AM.
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