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Old 10-05-2011, 02:16 PM   #9
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To each his own.

Unless you're sharing information about the 'hot bite' with someone who can get out right then and there it really doesn't matter who you share it with. Some of us have families, bad shoulders, no money, jobs(graveyard in my case) and that awful honey-do-list. Look at the every post, look at who's catching the fish on a regular basis, its the yakkers that can get out right there and then, not those(like me) that live 100miles from the hot bite. As for me, I go when I can regardless of whether or not there is a hot bite. I have three wsb this year and countless hali's....still waiting for that YT, it'll come and I'm sure it'll come when I least expect it and that isn't during the 'hot bite'.

again, to each his own
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