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Old 10-06-2011, 04:37 PM   #46
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: on the road...
Posts: 598
Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
Fortunately, newcomers are constantly joining this sport and for those people, these posts, redundant as they may be from a historical perspective, contain a bunch of new and useful information.
OK fine Bob....the weather is crappy and I dont feel like working so I'll toss my $.02 in the pot (plus Frank asked)....

I love reading your (BWE members) fishing reports/stories but one thing you guys gotta understand, keeping "up to date bite info" off of a public forum has alot more to do with respecting our fisheries than keeping fellow kayakers from catching a trophy fish.

I'm sure most new guys don't realize that there are no daily bag limits for commercial H&L fisherman and that during these "bites", which are usually during spawning aggrigations, its possible for one or two guys in a boat to lay waste to 10, 20 or even 40 trophy fish in a few hrs!! What about 1 private boat with 4 guys on it(x50)? What about a sport boat with 40 people on it eager to "slay it" in some limit style fishing?...Is that what you really want to do? How about those seiners, anyone like fishing with them around?....for those of you that don't realize it yet, one post on this site, much like BD, has the possibility of pulling 100's of people out of the woodworks and right onto the perceived "bite", in less than 24hrs.

Here are three quick guidelines I try to follow when considering posting a timely report:

Did I catch it on squid?

Did someone else personally give me the info (what,when and where) that led to my catch?

Did I catch, see or hear of multiple fish caught in the same area around the same time, multiple days in a row?

If I answer yes to any of those questions, which is generally the case, I will wait to post the fish, and I do my best to provide some useful tips/details in that post or not post at all.....again this is out of respect for the fishery and the guys who put in all the leg/arm work to get me the info to catch the fish....not to hate on my brothers. If you see me on the water, you can be sure you'll get the freshest dope available along with bait and beer offerings .
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