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Old 10-10-2011, 11:31 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by ChefT View Post
Please read about an issue before posting retarded comments please ...Thanks

.....Its the unregulated shark fisheries in the world, that are long lining sharks
JUST for there fins..... so so horrible ....
Chef Gordon Ramsay did a great documentary about the issue..try and watch it..

Funny thing is shark fin don't taste like much ... just very gelatinous ...

C/R all sharks here ......

If the point is to ban commercial shark fishing, then ban commercial shark fishing.

Or if you want to ban consumption, then ban the whole shark.

Taking the fin and throwing the body back is just as retarded as a law that lets you harvest the fish but wants you to cut off the fins and throw those back.

This bill is not going to curtail commercial shark fishing in the manner you described since most of the consumption doesn't even take place on this continent. All this is going to do is shift the existing consumption from California to Chinese restaurants in Vegas or some other states when people go there.

Nobody eats shark fins regularly in California. Not even the Chinese. Most of the consumption here takes place just as you described... Someone who has never tried it eats it once or twice to see what it taste like.

Killing a shark for their fins is a terribly stupid practice. But this is still a terribly stupid law.

Brown also just banned open carry of handguns in CA. Sounds fine except concealed carry is also illegal. So no concealed carry, and no open carry. I am waiting to see if it finally means no carry at all. How the hell am I supposed to take the gun to the car and back when I go shooting?

No, I am no fan of Brown. Too much of this "we can't ban your gun, so we ban your bullets instead".
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