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Old 10-19-2011, 12:49 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jim Day View Post
There's an old joke they used to tell when I was a kid:

A guy offers a women he just met 20 grand to sleep with him and she readily agrees, then he offers her 1 dollar and she get's offended saying something like "What do you think I am?" The guy responds "We've already determined exactly what you are, now we're just haggling over price.

In this case the guy has already shown what he is, he's just come forward to haggle over price. By that I mean that now that he was essentually busted, he's just trying mitigate what his actions will cost him by returning the drive. It's completely based in self interest, he's not doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

If I was Scallywag I'd be happy to get my drive back and might even forgive the guy, and it's certainly in his rights to do so, but that doesn't change this guys nature. Or make him any less what he is.

Obviously he's a lowlife, a thug, a thief, in fact he's such a lowlife he staked out the launch till he found a easy drive to steal, then talked his girl into doing the dirty work for him ,which suggests he's a user and a coward as well. I'd add that his girlfriend is either incredibly stupid or just as bad as he is. It's not like she was stealing groceries to feed her kids. It may be easier to forgive, but don't expect them to change, forget who they really are, or what they are really about.

It's just like these lowlifes who break into or vandalize vehicles at launch sites. It may be easier to let it slide on the legal side, but you should never forget who's the people are, what they are capable of, that ultimately they are just thugs and that they are never to be trusted.


This is good. I liked it.

Let me go find a 20thousand dollar girl. Well first i have to find someone who really thinks i have 20k to spare. LOL

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