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Old 08-27-2013, 05:44 PM   #24
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 123
Remember a lethal dose of radiation is somewhere around 200 rads for humans. And many things we eat are radioactive. For example bananas contain radioactive isotopes of potassium and table salt often contains radioactive iodine. Cigarettes contain relatively large amounts of radioactive materials as well. Our bodies are loaded with radioactive carbon isotopes that constantly break down. Thats what is used for carbon dating. One thing people do not consider is what makes these materials so bad for us. Its the fact that they release subatomic particles into our bodies at a large level. However this decomposition happens quickly and these deadly isotopes become far less deadly fairly fast. If what that flow chart says is true in terms of the spread, we would only be having problems if this had been going on for decades. Not months.
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