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Old 06-16-2016, 07:56 AM   #47
Hunters Pa
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I don't think 50 is necessary, but whatever floats your boat.

Yes, our kayaks are heavy on land but the material they are made of is closer to neutral buoyancy that a rock or lead sinker. They will sink if filled with water unless there is supplemental buoyancy. A couple noodles should suffice.

I have also thought about one of those canned airhorns. It would be useful for signaling but I am thinking that it could also be used to displace water. If the kayak is semi- or fully-filled with water and keel-up in the water, you could deploy the airhorn inside the inverted hull. The compressed air released would displace the water in the essentially sealed environment, forcing it out through the hatches. Think of it as an inverted glass filled with water partially elevated out of a sink of water, then blowing bubbles through a bent straw into the glass from underneath. You would not be able to get all the water out but should be able to displace enough to pump out the rest once it is flipped right side up.

Could also used compressed air canisters that are used for cleaning computer keyboards and inflating car tires.
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