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Old 11-02-2015, 01:26 PM   #88
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It's a 'reality' show, anyone who mistakes it for a documentary is missing a few brain cells. The producers set the story lines. They have a formula to follow. They need interpersonal drama, heroes and antagonists.

If the people in front of the camera don't cooperate, either directly or through manipulation, they find someone who will or get creative in the editing bay. The power is all on Discovery's side.

I've known several of the people on Pacific Warriors for years. We put together a couple of magazine features. You might find them interesting. If nothing else, the photos are epic.

Since I've fished with many of this crew, I have a few thoughts. I doubt Rob truly lost that first tuna. Isaac is a strong paddler, maybe the best of that bunch. I'm not buying his open water flip. I've never met Jason but I find it hard to believe he's such a Barney, although the boat rescue shown in the first episode is rumored to be real.

If I took it at face value, I wouldn't feel sorry for Jon Jon. Not after his scene with the needlefish, the "poor man's marlin." Laughable. Add his foul mouth, disrespectful attitude and training wheel outriggers. He doesn't strike me as a guy with the stuff to claim the first 500-lb kayak marlin. Who knows how much of it is real? None of these people can talk. They all signed NDAs.

In other words, don't take the show so seriously. It's TV. It isn't a fishing show. It's a drama that happens to have gorgeous scenery, the occasional epic fish, and a ton of awful editing. I wish the production company had treated the subject with greater respect.
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